The Power of Choice.

Hi Friends! 

I hope this finds you well and warm! 

This week I want to talk about choice. 

Choice is a funny thing. I hear a lot from people how impressed they are with the life I have created for myself, or what a role model I am or how in alignment I am. 

These things aren’t just special to me. They are available to you too. 

I have the life I have because I CHOSE it. I am a role model for others because I choose myself and what is best for me with kindness. I am more aligned than not because I choose to understand who I truly am and do my best to live authentically to that. 

I choose every day. 

You have that choice too. 

I also could have chosen to stay at a job I knew would eventually fully burn me out and fill me with bitterness and resentment (how I know when I am out of alignment). I could have chosen to remain ignorant about myself and continue to live life through the standards, expectations and rules others have created. I could have gone that route, but I didn’t. 

I chose to say yes to myself and the life I knew was meant for me and I continue to say yes to that because in a lot of ways I am not yet living that dream life. 

What choices are you making everyday? 

Do they enrich your life or take from it? 

Do you know there is more for you, but you’re not willing to put in the work, boundaries and healing to get there? 

This was a journey for me. Learning about myself, which I continue to do, is a journey. Taking action to live in alignment is a journey. 

Life is a journey. 

And you have you the choice every day to do something that puts you closer to alignment, your dream, you desire or you step to the side or a little further away. No way is wrong or right - some of us need to get so far away that we can hardly stand it anymore in order to find the commitment and determination to fully make the change. 

We are in the process of wrapping up one year to start another - this is the perfect time to reflect on what has been and what could be. Where do you want to go in 2022, how do you want to feel and what do you want to experience? 

In order to get there, what choice do you need to make? 

We make choices all the time - you may be surprised what your choices say about where you are heading. 

If you are interested in learning more about yourself and the choices you make here are a few of the current offerings: 

-Human Design Sessions (click HERE)

-Self-Alignment Package (click HERE)

-Align - Health + Human Design Course (click HERE)

-Shine Retreat (click HERE

You get to decide, commit and choose your experience. Support along this path is essential - whether it be your best friend, a mentor, teacher, coach, parent or someone else having someone see who you are and remind you of that is imperative on this journey. It is so easy to fall back into old comfortable patterns that may not be fully serving you in this life. Support, connection and a collective can keep you on the path you want to be on. 

Sending you so much Love! 


Alignment for 2022


What 2021 Taught Me & How I Am Integrating That in 2022