What 2021 Taught Me & How I Am Integrating That in 2022

Hi Friends!

I have done and experimented with a lot of things over the past year. One thing I am committed to this year is not rushing myself into making decisions or changes. I learned over the past year that just because I have a nudge or urge to do something, change something or create something that it is important for me to lean into my emotional wave and give my soul and spirit time to allow all the pieces to fall into place before action occurs. 

In 2021, I made a lot of haste choices and decisions from a desperate, ungrounded place. In a lot of ways I was looking for “quick” fixes and shortcuts to things that are developing, changing and shifting inside of me. And guess what? We do not have control over how long or how quick those things take to fully mature. When we act too quickly it is like hatching an egg prematurely - the being inside is instantly at a disadvantage because it wasn’t allowed the time necessary for all things to incubate properly before taking action. 

Action is important. However, aligned action is what we are looking for here. Not haste, premature, desperate, misaligned action. 

Action taken from a misaligned place will only lead to additional stress to your mind, body and spirit. 

Action taken from an aligned place leads to lightness, sparkly ness and vibrance. 

Learning to release control and surrender to the divine timing of it all is a whole journey in itself. We live in a society of Nows. I want it now. I want the success now. I want the money now. I want the fame now. I want the followers now. I want the understanding now. I want the clarity now. I want it now. 

A lot of times we are not ready in the now to receive those things. And maybe we don’t even want those things in the first place. 

It is time to relax back into who we truly are - how we uniquely make decisions - and how we are meant to take action in order to live life in a way that feels balanced, flowy and free. 

Are you going to join me in this pursuit? 

I will be offering messages from your Higher Self this year - if you want to learn more let me know. Otherwise, you can learn about my offerings and how they can assist in your year of you at www.connected-consciousness.com 

Sending you so much Love from my snowy wonderland. 


The Power of Choice.


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