About Me.



My name is Emma Jensen and it took me awhile to find my way to Human Design and Animal Communication. I had a more typical work experience - working for the government and private companies in various positions until I finally recognized that those careers did not serve me or create a life that I envisioned for myself.

In 2018 I was introduced to Human Design through a coach. Beginning to learn and understand who I was at my core gave me the permission and licensing to be ME. Not who others wanted me to be or what I thought I was supposed to be, but who I truly was underneath all of the thoughts and belief patterns that were laid down by others beliefs. I became a student and curious about Human Design and it wasn’t until 2020 that I truly stepped into sharing Human Design with others. It is a passion that I love to share with all people because of the tremendous impact it can have on not only the individual life, but the lives of those around them.


I have been a lover of animals my entire life. They have been a source of comfort, reassurance and have taught me so many important lessons throughout my life. It wasn’t until I joined a coaching program in late 2018 that I discovered I could communicate with animals. Before then I didn’t even realize Animal Communication was possible and something that someone could do or achieve with an animal. Once I embraced this new found gift, my life completely transformed. I had known for years I wanted a career that helped animals, and Animal Communication brought the clarity to that vision. It was through many animal reading that I was intuitively led to include energetic healings as well. I continue to learn so much from each animal I communicate with.

It is my desire to share these gifts and abilities with you so that they may also transform your life in ways that you may not even be able to imagine right now. Our animals are truly magical gifts put on our path to teach us truly profound lessons, while Human Design allows us to get in touch with who we are at the core. It gives us the allowance and confidence to start living in a way that supports us versus takes away from us.