Alignment for 2022

Hi Friends! 

I hope your 2022 is off to a great start! What I have heard from others and from my own experience, 2022 has already been a bit of a rollercoaster of a year. And we are only 8 days in! 

What I am finding so important and persistent in my world right now is re-alignment. 

I am hearing it from clients - this desire to be in alignment, and I am feeling it myself. 

It feels, from my perspective, that we all need a collective sigh right now. There feels like a lot of doing energy out there - for the sake of doing instead of aligned doing. A lot of movement and busyness - that is not actually fulfilling. 

Have we entered the perpetual hamster of wheel of doing what we think we should be doing all over again? But maybe this time from a spiritual perspective? 

Doing the morning routines. Doing the card pulls. Doing the walks in nature. Doing the yoga. Doing the newsletters and podcasts. Doing the journaling. Doing the meditations. Doing. Doing. Doing. 

What is the intention behind that doing? 

Is the intention: 

-I hope this works. 

-This has to work. 

-This worked for so and so and look how successful she is, so this is going to work for me too. 

-Everyone says this is how you become aligned, enlightened or successful, so I guess this is what you have to do. 

Or is the intention: 

-I love connecting with myself 

-I am excited to learn something new about myself today 

-I don’t care if this brings me outward / external success as long as I feel internally fulfilled 

-This is what feels best to me and it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else

Do you feel the difference between the two? 

Last year, for me, was all about intention #1 and now I have fully moved into intention #2 and the year feels so much different and so much more joyous. 

I invite you to connect in with yourself - I am including a video I made of a meditation I created for you to use, if it feels resonant, to connect in with your Highest Self and receive guidance. 

What does she / he say? What is something you can do to act on that guidance? 

If you are seeking alignment in 2022 - I invite you to check out the below offerings because they can help you in that pursuit. 

Highest Self Readings - Learn More

Align - Health + Human Design Course - Learn More

Sending you all so much Love today and forever. 

Emma J. 


How I Found My Purpose.


The Power of Choice.