How I Found My Purpose.

Hi Friends! 

I hope this finds you well! 

It has been a bit of a slow, intentional start here with my crew this morning. I hope your mooring has been intentional as well. 

Purpose is a word that is talked about a lot. It is focused on and it is praised. People may also use the word Dharma when speaking about purpose. 

You likely see people living in their purpose and people who are not, and those who are somewhere in between. You, darling, fall into one of those situations. 

I am an Aries (Sun & Moon) and when I set my mind to something I want to accomplish it. So, when I walked away from a toxic job (side note: when something becomes toxic in your life - it is likely because you didn’t heed all the signs prior to it become toxic to get out!) I was ready to dive head first into my purpose. 

However, there was one little issue, I had NO idea what it was. I knew it had to do with animals in some way, but that was the only inclination I had about it. Otherwise, I was clueless. 

This sparked my personal development journey and the coming years of endless coaches. I signed up with coach after coach - a personal development coach, a spiritual development coach, an animal intuitive coach, a high performance coach and the list goes on and doubles back. At one point I had 4 (possibly 5) coaches at one time, as well as a full time job. 

Each coach was given the same directive - 

Tell me what my purpose is, so I can go on and live it. 

I received one frustrating answer after another. 

I cannot give you that.

To say that was disappointing is an understatement. I didn’t understand what their job was as a coach, if they weren’t going to tell me what I needed to know to do good in the world. 

So, I continued to try to figure it out on my own. And not too shockingly, I couldn’t figure it out! ;) 

Then over time things began to materialize for me. I started to see the path that was laid out in front of me if I so chose to walk it. 

How did I get there? 

  1. I stopped looking, trying to figure out, asking others for my purpose.

  2. I started developing and listening to my intuition.

  3. I trusted the path and kept following it.

That’s it. 3 steps. No super easy steps. There are so many sub-steps the main steps. 

For example, for step 2 - I had to start to learn and understand what my intuition even was! And in order to do that I had to learn and understand who I truly am. What is best for me. What is authentically me. What is the conditioning I have taken on over the years. Step 2 is what led me to Human Design and then led me deeper into Human Design. 

When you are looking for your purpose, you aren’t giving it any space to find you. Purpose isn’t something you create, it is something that blooms within and from you. You have to water and tend to the soil in order to give it the strength and sustenance to bloom and stand tall. Thats what those steps allowed me to do. Tend to my garden, in order to give it the best place and chance to bloom and thrive. 

Have I embodied my full purpose on this Earth? No. Not even close. I can feel more and more brewing and coming to the surface now. However, that doesn’t mean the purpose I have uncovered and embodied is less than or not impactful. It means I am on step 3! Continuing down my path and trusting what I encounter. 

Where are you within these 3 steps? Where could you use some help and support? 

I love helping people embody and understand who they are truly are because of the impact it had on my own life. And the tool I love to use for this is Human Design, for so many reasons. 

Human Design Offerings - 

Sessions + Packages - Learn More

Align - Health + Human Design - Learn More

HD for & with Coaches - Learn More

A large part of my purpose is soul communication - with animals and people. I heard from Spirit / my Guides this phrase awhile ago that has stuck with me since, “animals first, people second.” Why? Because animals don’t always get a chance to speak for themselves in a straight and direct way that we, as humans, fully understand. 

Soul Communication Offerings - 

Animal Communication - Learn More

Highest Self Readings - Learn More

For those of you who are working on your own purpose-filled journey, I hope this was helpful in some way for you. 

I wish you the best on this beautiful human journey we are all on. Be kind to one another - you never know what the other person (or animal) is going through. 

Sending you all so much Love. 

Much Love, 

Emma J. 


Ask These Questions When Your Animal is “Misbehaving”


Alignment for 2022