Group Animal Healing

Hello Friends!

This morning while out for our morning walk, Ranger and I encountered an elk who was severely injured. Animals suffering is something that I feel deep and intensely in my body and soul. So, hearing her cries and watching her struggle to stand / move nearly broke me right there and then. I carefully got a bit closer to her, doing my best not to stress her out even more, and sent her healing as best I could from my location.

Because of this experience I felt really called to offer a group animal healing to anyone and everyone who was interested in their animal participating - and even some animals popped in that weren’t necessarily “signed up” by their parents. I love when that happens!

Anyways, I wanted to share the healing transcript here to show you what can occur during an energetic healing. Each healing I do looks different because they are tailored directly for the specific animal I am connecting in with. This healing felt pretty powerful for me and the animals who participated. If you are interested in learning more for you animal go here.

Group Animal Healing Transcript -

3:29pm PT - 4:05pm PT

I grounded into a creamy light orange crystal 

As I called in the animals one by one a few more decided to join as well - a horse and 2 pup siblings.

When all the animals came in we were standing in a circle with what looked like a Stag or male elk standing at the top of the circle - it was a majestic antlered creature - I could only see the antlers, not the body of the animal. 

The healing began by the entire circle being engulfed in the flames. This felt really cleansing - burning off everything that is not serving and releasing it to the air to bring it away. We stayed in the fire for quite awhile, eventually it subsided by rain falling from the sky. The rain felt cleansing, healing and grounding. It felt like it was reconnecting us to the Earth - releasing our burdens to the Earth to be transformed. The rain fell and fell until a pool formed at our feet. Eventually the clouds parted and the sun came out and “dried” us out. 

The sun’s rays then shot out into each being in the circle. An individual ray for each being - and each ray did specific healing for that being - whatever they needed most in the moment was focused on during this time. Then columns of golden light came into and through each being’s head. This golden light did more healing and reinforcing for each being in the places and spaces they needed. While this was all continuing to happen I was called to a few individual animals for additional healing. 

Rita - I was called to her heart area. Placing my hands on her chest and allowing healing energy to go through and penetrate her heart area. There felt like there was so sadness / loss that she has been dealing with / working through. 

Elvis - I was called to his front leg (I believe it was the right) - I placed my hands over his leg and sent healing energy into the whole of his leg and concentrated some energy in his wrist / ankle area. 

Jazz - I was called to her 3rd eye area - it felt like she needed some help / assistance in trusting more. I placed my hands over her 3rd eye and sent energy into this area in order to open it up some more. 

I called in Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Ezekiel to help in this part of the healing. They stood around the circle and began to place us all into a bubble of light. Parts of the bubble were green, blue and purple energy and others parts were red, orange and yellow - essentially the bubble was created of rainbow energy. As they created the bubble they infused it with energy to heal, repair, withstand, connect. Once the bubble was complete and reinforced they filled the bubble with love, joy and compassion energy. All can use and pull from this energy anytime they need. 

A quick wind whipped through the circle and removed any lasts things that everyone was ready to let go of - then golden energy raindrops feel down and entered the spaces and places that were just cleaned out. The healing felt complete here. I invited the animals to stay as long as they needed and to come back when they felt ready. 



Different Ways to Utilize Animal Communication Series.